Ari Hooker - Composer

Recent News:

The score for Sonata Epica, Op. 6, is now available for purchase under the Scores tab!

The score for Sonata Epica, Op. 6, is now available for purchase under the Scores tab!

The recording and video from the premiere of Sonata Epica, Op. 6, is now available under the Recordings tab!

The recording and video from the premiere of Sonata Epica, Op. 6, is now available under the Recordings tab!

AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE SOON: The Halifax Suite, Op. 7 -- Vocalise -- Prelude -- Le rêve de Ravel --

AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE SOON: The Halifax Suite, Op. 7 -- Vocalise -- Prelude -- Le rêve de Ravel --